Electronics FAQ

What components are available to use?

Any resistor, capacitor, diode, wire, solder, etc. in the electronics area that isn’t tagged by another member can be considered fair game.

What if there are some components/ equipment we don’t have that I think would be useful to add?

Email electronics@tcmaker.org and the shop manager may be able to help.

Is there anything we could run out of that the shop manager keeps in stock normally?

Yes. We should always have solder available, and if we run out please notify the shop manager at electronics@tcmaker.org to restock.

Do I need training / get “Checked Out” for any of the tools in electronics?

While no training is required to use the electronics equipment, you should generally not use any equipment that you aren’t familiar with. Electricity being, you know, not always electrifying in the good sense.  Ask another member or email electronics@tcmaker.org.

A tool I’m using isn’t working right, what do I do?

Put an Orange “Borked” Tag on it – and Email electronics@tcmaker.org with what is going on.

How can can I find about what’s going on with Electronics /Group Projects?

Check out the TC Maker Facebook page or view our calendar.

Can I start a group project?

Definitely. Organize with peers or simply let electronics@tcmaker.org know and the shop manager can help get the word out.

How can I help?

Track down the electronics shop manager, or email electronics@tcmaker.org.  There are always projects, maintenance, administrative tasks, and other items that members can contribute their talents.

I’m interested in teaching a class.

Email Events@TCMaker.org with your proposed class…we’d love to have you teach!