Handmade Music Minneapolis #1

The first handmade music is coming up on the 25th @ the Hack Factory. The itinerary is being worked on currently as more info becomes available we will be posting it here.

Sneak peak: we have procured a sound system and are planning on having a little performance at the end of night, and lots of people at Saturday’s minne-faire have shown interest in the event, it should be fun.

We are exploring some ideas for the first time around, so please if you have some ideas or thoughts worth sharing about handmade music or perhaps you have been to an similar event and know what works, please share. You can comment on this post or email myself at sobczak.paul at Gmail or Pat if he wants to post his email.

Hi, this is Pat.  Feel free to email me at lifeisnoise at gmail or post on the forums or tcmaker google group.

More on Handmade Music over at Noisepages

First Update:

I’m thinking a fun project we could do is 555 “throwies” that I’ve been working on.  It’s an idea that is still in development (I built one prototype which I gave away), so it could be fun.  I’ll try to build one and post a pic later today.
Wayne (wammie) also has some speech synthesis chips that could be fun to play with.

We are looking for 2 acts to perform each set will be 30 minutes long, but we would like the artists to walk us through exactly what they brought to the stage, nobody is currently booked so if you are interested let us know.

February 18 update:

People have been wondering what this even is really all about, to get to the bottom of it I offer the following justification.

Handmade Music: Minneapolis is trying to cultivate a DIY music scene in Minneapolis, by having these open nights at the Hack Factory for people who make sonic machines to socialize and share ideas. (Note: This is basically the same goal as TC Maker has but just narrowed down to musics.)

Wayne will be bringing 2 or possibly three of the SN76477 chips to the event.

Talking to him last night about the chip, he had these up and running about 15 years ago so there is no telling if they still work but it should be fun to try. There are a few suggestions on the data sheet of setups to try, see the suggested setups from the data sheet:

The mothership connection again from the data sheet has the following setup:

I think we will try to set up one of the first ones. And possibly someone will wire up the mothership connection and bring it to a future event. If in the mean time you at home are interested in messing around with this chip there is a newer version of it here.

There has been some interest in performance but nobody has jumped forward as of yet so if you are interested let us know. There will be no compensation this time around as we are not charging for the event at all, that said, if you have been looking for a venue to show off what you have been working on this might be it, read it doesn’t have to be a finely tuned, a bit of sonic tom-foolery is welcome.

Also If you are currently working on or with with any of the following things:

  • DIY Analog/Digital Synths
  • Max/Msp
  • SuperCollider
  • Pd
  • Arduino
  • Circuit Bending
  • Instrument building ect…

We are looking to find people to teach classes at The Hack Factory if you are interested and have some ideas of things you would like to do in the future let us know and we start to set it up.

For those new to The Hack Factory we do have some things if you want to build a kit or do a bit of trouble shooting during the night, We have a few soldering irons and 1 (1/2) oscilloscopes, a dc power supply and a few other things so you can bring pretty much anything to put together. We don’t have any electrical components yet so if you have some that you would like to donate that would be great.

11 thoughts on “Handmade Music Minneapolis #1

  1. Good post, Paul! Yeah, I think I had a small rebuild up and running 15 years ago, but the first “mothership” build was like 29 years ago! I’ll see if I can determine the status of my chips before the event.

  2. That pretty far out of the scope of the Handmade Music gatherings, but you can certainly troll for participants for a project of you are organizing and leading one.

  3. Re: “That pretty far out of the scope of the Handmade Music gatherings, but you can certainly troll for participants for a project of you are organizing and leading one.” – Again, I’m not at the level yet of creating or sequencing my own midi files, so it’s not that far out. My latest explorations have been with XMPlay’s midi module which allows a person to use and substitute preferred sampled sounds for playing of these files. Yeah, it does involve a lot of time, trial and error to produce high quality results, but for the Handmade Music gatherings at least I’d like to share what I’ve done and maybe open some ears to the possibilities.

  4. I am curious about connecting little one string guitars into bent circuits. This would be a way for people that don’t want to solder or build to input into the circuits that are getting bent.

    I will be bringing my CBG and tape player amp.


  5. just wanted to say I had a blast – looking forward to next month, I’ll bring some projects with me next time! Thanks for throwing this, and making it an open event.

  6. Thanks for the recordings. I’ll get them posted along with a report in the next day or so. I’ve already started organizing my ideas for next time.

    It was great meeting everyone, the response was overwhelming and I can’t wait until the next event (although I’ve got considerable work to do before then).

    Long live Handmade Music!

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